With the realities brought in through COVID-19 and the ever-changing dynamics of the 21st-century economy, agriculture and innovation in food systems and technology is key to ensuring a more sustainable planet for everyone. This year, the International Youth Day will be held under the theme: Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health.
To commemorate International Youth Day 2021, Oxfam in Nigeria and Nigeria Youth SDGs Network will organize a blended live and virtual event to highlight the innovative entrepreneurial ideas of young Nigerians with respect to nutrition, the use of technology in agriculture, social entrepreneurship, and education for sustainable development.
Date: August 12, 2021
Time: 10 am
Venue: Abuja*
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, participation in the live event will be by invitation only. Are you in Abuja and want to attend the live events? Kindly send an email to daniel@nigerianyouthsdgs.org on/before August 10, 2021 and we will send you an invitation to the venue.
To participate virtually, kindly fill the form below to register for the virtual event
Deadline for registration: August 11, 2021
For more information, contact: goodness@nigerianyouthsdgs.org or daniel@nigerianyouthsdgs.org