NGYouthSDGs Champion Idris Bashiru participated in the Nigeria People’s Assembly organized by the Civil Society Coalition on Sustainable Development to commemorate the sixth year anniversary of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The event officially started with the welcome address by the Chair, BoT CSCSD Rev Fr John Patrik Ngoyi
represented by Mrs Abosede Ireti, followed by goodwill messages from different organisations
Development Partners, Government Agencies, CSOs and other stakeholders.
Idris served as the Clerk of the National SDG Youth Parliament and that of the Joint People's Assembly to
support the Young Vibrant Adewale Sadiq (Speaker of the House) after the presentation of the CSCSD
National Coordinator, Dr Tola Winjobi on the goal of the Assembly which was to collate and articulate
the issues and demands of Nigerians in the area COVID-19, wellbeing, vaccination, social protection and
other issues relating to the SDGs so as to present this before the government for action.
The People’s Assembly is made up of five (5) constituencies with persons with disabilities, senior citizens (elderly), women, youth and the press.
Resolutions from the various parliamentarians sitting were presented at the Joint People’s Assembly which
revealed that the PWDs and the Elderly are facing almost the same challenges in the public and the
requested for preferential treatment for them especially in cases of queuing; public facilities need to
factor in PWD and elderly in their designs, health issuance and free health care is also required by the
two group and proper education about mental health. The elders further suggested the creation of Old
people’s homes in all states and request the payment of retirees entitlement at the doorstep to avoid death
due to stress. The elders finally advised that those in political offices today should do this that will
positively affect their old age and. the community. On the other hand, the PWDs requested the creation
and implementation of bills to employ 5% PWD especially by the private sector that is not yet
complying. Inclusion in the environment, social and in the economy and the Implication of Disability
Right Law.
The National SDGs Youth Parliament raised challenges that was related to the SDGs and these
includes: Unemployment/Underemployment (Goal 8,9 and 10), Gender inequality among women (Goal 5 and 10), Low involvement of youth in decision policy making, youth participation in governance (Goal
16 and 17), an obsolete system of education (Goal 4), All heath issues among youth (Goal 3). The youth
proffer that fair selection for employment is very important, enabling business friendly environment and
creation of skill acquisition scholarship by the government, Involvement of youth in policy making,
Creation of innovative curriculum and introduction of contemporary and convention course to could
meet international standards, Involvement of youth in the review and implementation of education
policy and the creation of Health issuance for youth as well as awareness of mental health issues.
The Woman Constituency which was chaired by a Professor of the Federal University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta, Prof. (Mrs.) Olubunmi Ashimolowo presented that the females face Gender-Based Violence,
Unequal employment opportunities and political position, Inheritance issues and widowhood rites,
Woman used as a weapon of Banditry and terrorism, also Health challenges is a major concern of the
woman constituency. Solutions proffered includes more campaigns on inclusive governance, equal
education, job opportunities and advocacy to the leadership of traditional institutions. Implementation of
VAPP Law and Child Right law, Free healthcare for pregnant women and under 5 children. They also
suggested Continuous Media Advocacy and Counselling avoid Family breakdown and stigmatization.
Challenges faced by the Political and Press Group was highlighted to include: Pressure on political
sponsors and Godfatherism, challenges of huge campaign funding, Lack of transparency in politics and
governance, lack of public trust and engagement of government, the religion of politics and critical
knowledge gap on the knowledge of SDGs by the Politicians. They also highlighted solutions to be the
localization of existing pro-inclusion law, Political meetings in inactive hours should be addressed as women
will be affected, Deliberate regulation of campaign funding with the help of the government
parliamentary, Robust partnership of the CSO in engaging politicians, deliberate capacity development
engagement by media and CSO to translate the SDGs to languages of the masses. They also suggested
capacity development for the politician to know more about SDGs.
Dr Tola Winjobi, National Coordinator, CSCSD also talked about the creation of policy for widowhood
right especially as a result of tradition. Ugly practices are found in different society. The women need to
come up with a policy to be submitted to the government. The senior citizens also need to have policies put
together to address their challenges e.g. Death as a result of stress from verification exercise of
pensioners. He also suggested that the Government can make Civil servants visit the Elderly at their homes
to pay them their entitlements.
The Hon. Speaker of the Joint People’s Assembly, Mr Adewale Sadiq advised that citizens should
always follow up on policies created by the governments. He added that some policies are done without
citizen engagement which will end up not achieving results.
The Clerk of the House gave a summary of the discussion to the Assembly and was adopted by the
Parliamentarians. He also read the Letter on the Great Recovery Plan to be sent to the President and
Governors of states for them to pay their part for the recovery, leaving no one behind.
The sitting ended with an adjournment by Bisiriyi Toheeb and Seconded by Oluwayemisi.